Jason Ahern

The Ohio State University

Headshot Picture

A Brief Resume...

Intern, Host Classic Teleproductions

Full Title: Student Host, Media Intern
  • Created the ‘Twinsburg Schools Today: Summer Edition’ programs to showcase the best aspects of Twinsburg’s School District
  • Worked with a team to record and edit the 30-minute video in 2017, 2018 & 2019 (links below)
  • Used professional video capturing and editing technologies

GraduatedTwinsburg High School

GPA: 4.53
Awards & Leadership:
  • Math Department Award
  • National AP Scholar
  • Twinsburg Soccer Community Award
  • Perfect Attendance Grades 9-12
  • Captain, Varsity Soccer

Software InternPatriot Software

Summer 2020
Full Title: Software Engineer Intern
  • Developed payroll and accounting software within a small, agile team, focusing on user onboarding and retention
  • Created dozens of pull requests, including an internally facing individual project.
  • C# .NET |
  • Postgresql |
  • Razor (HTML) |
  • CSS |
  • JQuery & JavaScript

Teaching Assistant Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors (FEH)

Full Title: Student Assistant II
  • Mentored first-year engineering students to ensure they receive a comprehensive education in the engineering design process and problem solving.
  • Contributed to many course projects, developed course material and software. Main project teams:
  • Software |
  • Electronics |
  • Website |
  • CKRII (Arduino)
  • Typescript |
  • Vue.js |
  • Node.js |
  • Python |
  • C# .NET |
  • C & C++
  • AWS

IT InternFirst Energy

Summer 2021
Full Title: Application Configuration Intern
  • Created and optimized important daily and weekly reports.
  • Improved important company database structure and contents.
  • Developed my communication and leadership skills with presentations to supervisors.
  • Power BI |
  • Python |
  • SQL |
  • Visual Basic for Applications |
  • OSIsoft PI |
  • QlikView |
  • Excel |
  • ServiceNow

Software InternPalantir

Summer 2022
Full Title: Software Engineer Intern
  • Built a new implementation of an existing system to leverage provider‑agnostic blob storage.
  • Integrated two existing applications to allow for in‑application documentation writing.
  • Java |
  • Python |
  • Typescript |
  • Rust |
  • Go |
  • React.js
Timeline Slider

Robot Store Website

An Ohio State-proprietary website for instructors and students of FEH

Enables students to purchase parts for their robots, among numerous other features.

Backend (REST API):
  • Express.js
  • Typescript |
  • Sequelize |
Frontend (SPA):
  • Vue.js |
  • Typescript |
  • Bootstrap
Architecture (Terraform with AWS):
  • EC2 |
  • S3 |
  • RDS |
  • DynamoDB |
  • Cloudwatch |
  • IAM & Cognito
Access to the website is restricted by authentication, so I cannot provide source code. Let me know if interested in a demo!

This Website

A personal portfolio

I made this website using a few fun libraries, stylesheets, and tools

Feel free to use any code you find here! I drew inspiration from lots of online resources like codepen and stack overflow.

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Your Recipes

A Recipe Management Mobile App

I created this app as a minimum viable product of sorts.

Note: the app is no longer available on the Apple App Store because they want to charge me $100 a year to keep it there :(

I used .NET with Xamarin.Forms to build the native apps for iOS and Android with one tooling.

I currently use a C# SQLite package to store on the devices' local hard drives, but eventually I'd like to host some central database server. I'd probably write the API in node.js

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Next.js, Firebase, and Typescript Template

Live Demo

A template for a Next.js app using Firebase's auth and Firestore database
Project Overview/ Technologies:
View on GitHub for documentation and more information:
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NHL Data Analysis

A Mini Python Project

I used python to interface with the NHL's web API, collecting empty net data for a statistics project.

The actual data analysis happened in Excel (regrettably). Here are the modules I used:

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Jack Benak Fund


A tribute website.

Didn't really want to put this on here, but it did introduce me to web design.

I used a template from Inovatik.

If you're reading this, head over to the website and learn a bit about Jack!

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Thank you for visiting!